Friday, December 17, 2010

A Shameless Confession... Don't Laugh

Some guys would be embarrassed to admit certain things... this one is one of those times... and I'm proud of this confession...

If you want to find out, follow me...

This is a two-part confession...

I am a fan of only a handful of current TV shows, including Smallville, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Conan, Attack of the Show, Ninja Warrior, and Spongebob Squarepants... but I do have a 6yr old daughter, so my TV has had a steady diet of Disney Channel... Hannah Montana ruled that station and I can honestly say it's a waste of airtime...... and of course there are all the little kiddie shows, driving me insane... but there is one show that actually drew me in...

That's right, Wizards of Waverly Place. This show caught my attention because of just one actor, David DeLuise. Son of the legendary comedian Dom DeLuise... hell, you can even see the resemblance... down to his father's mannerisms. Then I got to watching the show. It's actually pretty good. A different level for Disney that they've never achieved before, while still maintaining the level for the teens and younger... it's an ACTUAL sitcom, something that is fleeting from the wake of reality shows and bullshit like American Idol and Survivor...

The idea of the show is simple, Jerry Russo(played by aforementioned David DeLuise) was the wizard of his generation in his family, but had to reliquish his powers when he married mortal Theresa(Maria Canals Barrera)... but their 3 kids were born wizards, eldest son Justin(David Henrie), daughter Alex(Selena Gomez), and youngest son Max(Jake T. Austin)... but there is a catch to wizard children, they must participate in a "Wizard Competition" where only one of them can keep their powers into adulthood, leaving the others powerless... this show is based around their adolescence combined with learning new spells to help them in the competition... funny will be inevitable... but the show wasn't the only reason I tuned in every week(every day if you include reruns)... there was a different reason...

That's right... it's Selena Gomez... the cute girl who plays the part of Alex Russo... she's the center of the show, and her character is the troublemaker, both in school and in magic, using magic to get herself into and out of trouble... and like all of these Disney shows, there is an emphasis on fashion of some sort, whether it be the eventual basis of the show like That's So Raven or simply a footnote as in Wizards' case... but it may be taboo to say, but Selena made most of those outfits look good... but she's also a good actress, hopefully something she's able to expand upon into adulthood... btw, she is 18 now, so I CAN say she's a beautiful young woman... but more on that later... next her music...

Of course, it seems that if you are in a Disney show, you should try to sing too... Selena Gomez was no different... she also does the theme for her own show, also a Disney channel norm... and I'm going on record saying that I think Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus can't sing, she sounds like someone stuffed a cat in a blender and set it on the lowest setting... that being said, Selena is the anti-Miley... she can actually sing... I can honestly say that I own not just one, but both CDs from Selena Gomez & The Scene... The first one was pretty good, a mix of rock, pop, and dance... the second one was alittle too heavy on the dance for my usual taste, but in return, we do get a few tracks that harness the Latina in Selena that remind me of Shakira... not quite what I thought I would like, but I'm open in my music, and if my Dad can openly admit to liking Cher(you heard me), then I can say that I'm happy to have both of Selena's CDs on my iPod along with a few music videos... now, for the nuts & bolts, no pun intended...

I repeat, Selena Gomez is 18... so I can say just how beautiful I think she is... and SHE IS... not just because I enjoy dark-haired latinas, but it's all about how she carries herself... just like in her music, Selena is the anti-Miley... Miley Cyrus is a legitimate skank, her look, her style, her demeanor, her attitude... she is a future whore(if not already)... on the other hand, Selena is a classy young woman, in the same ways that Miley is the polar... her look, her style, her demeanor, her attitude... to sum it up, Selena Gomez is a gorgeous lady with class... again, my opinion...

So, if you haven't figured it out yet, my confession is that I am a 27yr old warm-blooded American guy... and I AM A SELENA GOMEZ FAN... and I might have a crush on the classy lass as well... if I lived a different life and was lucky enough to meet her, I would worship her like a goddess... yeah, you heard me... over the top... maybe... but it would be really hard for me not to hit my knees and bow while chanting "I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy" ala Wayne's World...... and if I ever got that one chance... knowing my luck, I would die shortly thereafter as for me not to enjoy it at all...

And that two part confession... I like a Disney Channel show...(two if you count Phineas and Ferb, I even have a plush Perry the Platypus)

So here's to the first of what could be many, many confessions from me... Whaddya think?

And I would give you a source for where I got the pics, but seriously, I can't remember...... oh well... enjoy them anyway...

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