Wednesday, November 5, 2014

FTW - The Economic Juggernaut

Well well well. It seems that it is time for for a new FTW... and this one has been brewing for quite some time...
So let's get down to it...
I say "Fuck Walmart".

Now I know the rules, I can't bad mouth on social media. This isn't social media, so kiss it.
Walmart. The Economic Juggernaut. Plowing down prices and killing Mom and Pop businesses for years. All the while, cracking a whip at those who help build it. Remind you of anything? Looks like Ancient Egypt to me.
This is a company who prides itself on slashing prices over the competition, while treating it's employees like shit, and paying them a wage that barely gets them by enough that they can only afford Walmart's product. There are many times when I've heard that hours got cut because sales are down or we have to cut overtime, while at the same time, they can't hire enough good help or treat the help with enough respect that they want to stay. Last time I checked, Walmart was one of the BIGGEST companies in the world, makes money hand over fist, and produces enough PR bullshit, the outhouse is overflowing. You can't tell me you can't make enough money to support your employees... hire some more to open more lanes and keep the shelves stocked... and that isn't just one store, that seems to be all of them. I can't tell you how many times a family members has complained to me about every time they are in my store somethinf in particular is not on the shelf... I know I know. If they hired enough people to do it, and then treat them with enough respect to keep them, then we wouldn't wouldn't have this issue.
Respect. The biggest thing missing from Walmart anymore. So many levels of management, you know one is bound to be a lunatic with their hand on a cat-o-nine-tales. We had to deal with one of this this year/last year. She treated everyone like she was entitled to respect, when it was obvious she had no idea what she was doing. Simple truth. Managers are NOT entitled to respect. The employees are. At least the ones that know what they are doing. If you(as a manager) start showing respect and acknowledgment to those that know what they are doing(and sometimes to those that don't), not only will you see that respect come back, but you just might see an increase in efficiency, productivity, and a willingness to do it. Do the opposite, you get the opposite. Simple, right?
Tactics. A so-called decrease in sales... so what do they do? They force a new dress code change... and start selling "dress code approved" apparel for you to buy. Now, it doesn't affect me directly because my department already had that, but what about others? I know if I didn't already have them, I wouldn't have been able to afford them. Sure, my store sells the required articles, but I'm a fluffy guy, I can't wear anything Walmart sells... so that would've been $40-$60 for each new shirt I would've had to shell out, and considering the lack of new vests they had for people my size, and how many are waiting for them still, how many of those fluffy people would have to shell out that kind of cash for the required shirts. I could go on... but you get the idea... what was the point of a dress code change? Oh yeah... so Walmart could get us to spend more of the money we already didn't at our own store.
Money. All of this... over money. Hand over fist... hand over fucking fist. So... what about a pay raise? Either from the company, or the government, something has to give. The price of gas still sucks... the cost of basic items are still climbing... and Walmart... they have done nothing for the employees. The spokes that make the wheels turn. I dunno about anyone else, if I made more money, I would probably be spending it at my own store. Guess what? Sales would go up...
Letting their people down. Everything that has gone on personally this year, the worst thing was becoming a Diabetic. That sucks. But thankfully I have my insurance to help me out... at least until the end on the year. The first year I have ever need to use my Walmart insurance, and they are dropping me because I don't average 30 hours a week... but I would probably be averaging 30 hours a week if they wouldn't have cut my hours so much earlier this year... so why am I losing my issurance? Because my store let me down.
I know I've used A LOT of "me"s and "I"s in this, but I want you to think about something... how many people work for Walmart? How many people feel the same way I do? Probably more than you think. How many of them are too scared to speak up for fear of retaliation? Almost all of them. I know I don't exactly speak for everyone, and I know I'm only one man, and I know in the world of Walmart I'm not important, but sometimes...
It just takes one Spark...
And that is that...
That concludes this edition of FTW.
Remember kids, Walmart may have an open door, but sometimes an open door can lead straight to hell...
~The Master is Out

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