Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Taboo Topic

Okay... the topic I'm about to cover is going to be touchy, and personally, I don't care who likes it. I try my hardest not to talk about two topics... politics and religion.
Well this one isn't about politics...
Let's start with this.
I am an agnostic. What is an agnostic? Well, there are a few different versions. With out going into details on all of them, the basic idea is that being agnostic means you aren't sure about something associated with religion.

Yin Yang Year

I know 2014 isn't quite over, but it is coming to an end soon... so I thought I would touch on the three things that define my 2014, one good, one bad, one a bit of both.
Let's start with bad...

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

FTW - The Economic Juggernaut

Well well well. It seems that it is time for for a new FTW... and this one has been brewing for quite some time...
So let's get down to it...
I say "Fuck Walmart".

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Anatomy of a Song - Back to What Brought You Edition

Well... it's been even longer since I've done an Anatomy post... let's see if I still got it.
I haven't bought very many albums since I last did an Anatomy post. I should've done one for Gary Allan's "Set You Free", mainly for "It Ain't The Whiskey". Because he IS my favorite artist.
BUT the subject of this Anatomy is Big & Rich. If Gary is my fave artist, then Big & Rich would be my fave duo. Their sound has always been unique, ranging from rockin' country like "Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy)" to wedding ballads like "Lost In This Moment" to just cool crooning like "Between Raising Hell and Amazing Grace".

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Move Over Jimmy Olson

I've never had a post so hard for me to find words for, but I did want to wait until I was ready to touch on this subject. Bear with me, there may be some rambling, and I know I have some tears in there. But I think I got this. What topic?......
Robin Williams...

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Been Way Too Long

It really has been too long. So many times I could have posted something, so many reviews I could've done, and it just isn't something I could bring myself to do. So many things on my mind, so many things that I've wanted to do, so many times I've wanted to speak my mind.

And then I finally decided I need to speak.

I'm going to address something that I didn't do this year, because they were close to the same as last year... my New Year's Revolutions.

Usually I just give up on them, because what's the point... but this time I didn't, and it took longer than 2013, but I got most of them. I won't address them in order, but I will... let's begin.

I said I wanted to lose weight. Well, it took getting a scare to get it done, but it is working. I am now a diabetic, and it's okay. Not a total change, but it was an awakening. Not just the diabetes, but personal inspiration... I will get to that later... but the weight loss... I think about 35 pounds in 3 months is a good thing. More to hopefully come.

What about being a doormat? Nope. Not anymore. The power is back in my hands, and feels pretty good. I'm still a little too hard on myself, and there is still a list of things I want to change... but I'm finally going in the right direction. One step at a time.

Now I did mention decorating some closets. I was referring to showing more support for LGBT. I need to do more of that... some of it is out of hand. My state is still being a bitch and not letting these people get married... sometimes I'm ashamed to be a Hoosier... but I'm here anyway.

My voice... well, you see how often I make blog posts now? I'm not doing anything with my voice. Things aren't as bad, so I don't have anything to FTW about... but I might soon. Gimme a few days... I got one. Plus I have something important to blog about... might do that tonight... point is, you will hear more from me... that IS a promise.

Now, the last one I'm most proud of. Um... guess who isn't single anymore? Yeah... I know... shocks me too. And technically, I did what everyone told me to do. I stopped looking... she found me. Granted, I pulled a move I never thought I could... and it worked. What the fuck, right? But me... I found someone, er... she found ME. Me... and like I said, I'm proud. She seems to be the perfect match for me. So much so, it is hard to describe. I do know this... she's got a horrible case of the geek... and that's awesome, cause I already had it, and it just makes me that more contagious. Would you say I'm in love? You bet... oh, I mentioned inspiration. Well, there she is. I won't mention her name on here, until I get permission, because those are my rules on here... but I'm sure she knows who she is. I am Luigi and she is my Princess Daisy(why not Mario? Because fuck Mario!) I love you Cara Mia.

So... you could say, over the course of the last 20+ months, alot of things have changed. Some really sad, but most have been for the better. And I have my Jace & Liliana for that(again, they know who they are)(COOOOOOOOOOOKIES!!!!!!!). They helped me in so many ways. Including being the driving force behind preventing the one thing that has nearly almost always gotten in my way......

Giving up...

Thanks bro and sis... I owe you...

I think I found my voice again...

Sounds different... yet... strangely familiar...

Oh...... WHAT ABOUT BOB?!?

I didn't forget you either...

~The Master is Out

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The New Review - RoboCop

It's been quite awhile since I've posted a good blog, and even longer since I've done a good review...

So let's get to it, shall we?

The New Review

RoboCop (2014)
Directed by José Padilha
Starring Joel Kinnaman, Gary Oldman, Michael Keaton, Abbie Cornish