Thursday, February 13, 2014

The New Review - RoboCop

It's been quite awhile since I've posted a good blog, and even longer since I've done a good review...

So let's get to it, shall we?

The New Review

RoboCop (2014)
Directed by José Padilha
Starring Joel Kinnaman, Gary Oldman, Michael Keaton, Abbie Cornish

Background Check: This film is a remake/reboot/revisioning of the original RoboCop movie released in 1987, starring Peter Weller and Nancy Allen. A hopeful technological and graphical rehash of a legendary cult...... No no... A true classic. Part man. Part machine. All Cop.

Concept: Detective Alex Murphy is nearly killed by an explosion. Raymond Sellars and OmniCorp use Alex Murphy and a shitload of science to "put a man in a machine" to win over the public. While putting their reputation on the line for a new product in law enforcement, Murphy tries to reclaim his humanity and reconnect with his family. Which will break? Murphy or the system?

Execution: (slight change in format... Action will now apply to the "action" of the movie, depending on the genre. Humor makes more sense merged into it. Humor will be replaced by Appeal)

Cast: This cast is star-studded. Gary Oldman, Michael Keaton, Jackie Earle Haley, Samuel L. Jackson. Bringing a new star to the fore front in Joel Kinnaman(unless you watch The Killing on AMC or caught the remake of Evil Dead, he is new-ish). The only casting questions I have are about Abbie Cornish and John Paul Ruttan, who play the wife and son of Alex. I give the kid a pass, but Abbie Cornish seemed dry to me. Maybe it was the point, but she wasn't as believable as a wife of a walking metal corpse as I thought she could be. Score: 8.5/10

Characters: This Alex Murphy was a better one than the original. The original was more robotic, this one was more organic. Raymond Sellars was a better villain than Dick Jones. Mattox was no Boddicker... And neither was Vallon... But Clarence Boddicker in the original was special. Score: 9.5/10

Story: THIS. This is the reason to watch the movie. This remake has a story that doesn't let the viewer down. Drama. Action. Technology. It all blends together into a period piece for a period that hasn't happened yet. This is the category where this movie shines over its predecessors... The originals were action driven, this one was story driven. Score: 10/10

Visual: Overall, visually stunning. But I do have some issues with the motion sickness inducing opening scenes. The cameraman might've been extremely drunk, but if you can get through it, makes up for it. Reality and CGI are seamless. Score: 8.5/10

Sound: No real issues here. Nothing to mention... Except a particular scene involving music. No spoiler, but leaving for later. Score: 9/10

Action: This is an action remake of an action classic...but... The original was R, this one is PG-13. Can you tell? Yes. The grisly deaths do make the original so damn awesome, and that is missing... But plenty of the action scenes do make you wonder it was necessary.(yes I'm serious) Instead of grotesque R-rating pushing kills, you get mission based action, and I'm all for the execution of that plan. Score: 9.5/10

Flow: I have an issue with anything breaking the flow, regardless of what the reason, or how important the interruption is. This movie has those. Each of the dramatic family scenes do just that... BUT each of them add a dimension to the story, and much needed addition. Those family scenes have their own flow. Both elements seem to merge and reach the same place. So this time, I accept the break. Score: 9.5/10

Closure: Along with flow, the movie must have a definitive end. This one does just that, without saying "hey, sequel", but it gave the wonder of a possibility. That being said, we did have that definitive ending... Which was one my only gripes about the original. Score: 9/10

Appeal: Like cop movies? You're good. Sci-fi? Duh. Period piece? Yep. Straight up action flick? It's there. Drama? Check. Star-stacked cast? You bet. And the best part, amazingly blended together into a complete film. Not long it drags, not too short making you wish for more. And as a remake, stays true to the source material while etching out its own story. Too much? No... Perfect? No... But great enough to be awesome for mass appeal. Score: 9.5/10

Extra Oomph: What extra thing could this movie have that gives that extra entertaining value? The original had commercials and news reports that made it feel like a period piece. Who remembers the SUX 6000? Or John Glover trying to sell a car security system that fried the thief by electrocution? Or the model who covered herself in blue sunblock just she could take a dip in the pool? This remake had something equivalent. Samuel L. Jackson would cut in playing a character named Pat Novak, in an editorial style news program called The Novak Effect. Pat Novak ended up being the black Glenn Beck. Yes, I said that. He was entertaining, and after the third/fourth time, you started hating him. And it was glorious. It fit, it stung, and delivered with such perfection, I'm saying it now... If a sequel does come, Sam Jackson and the Novak Effect better be a package deal. Score: 10/10

Final Score: 93/100.             A-     See, an A-
Conclusion: As a movie, it's a great movie. The right amount of action. The right amount of drama. The right amount of humor. The right amount of homage to the original. The right amount of new school technology. A mixing pot of elements, that create an amazing stew.

It's all a matter of opinion: I cannot stress enough that THIS is MY opinion, you can either agree with me or not. I don't have to justify my opinion, because *clears throat* that's what this blog is about. Whether I like it or not doesn't mean you have to or not...... It's just my justification behind MY recommendation... Which leads me to my FINAL JUDGMENT...

FINAL JUDGMENT: Go see this fucking movie. Period. If you are a fan of the originals(RoboCop 3 not included), you will be surprised and satisfied by this movie. The only way this movie would've been any better is if Abbie Cornish was in the theater giving me head during the movie. Might've been a better use of her talent... Maybe. I actually had low-moderate expectations for this revision, and I can honestly say I was pleasantly surprised. And YOU will be too...
So there it is, I have given "RoboCop(2014)" a 93. Pretty damn good I think.

Now... I had a scene for you referencing sound. I don't usually mention soundtrack, unless it makes an impact to the flow of the movie(insert horror film here). But... This one scene. Haley's character is Mattox, who has the job of weapons training for the mechs, which of course includes Murphy. He doesn't put much stock into Robo, but regardless, he sets up a simulation to show Murphy's efficiency compared to a regular mech. Mattox tells Dr. Norton(Oldman), "if you don't mind, I work better with music."(something at least close to that) And what does he play? The song the Tin-Man sings from "The Wizard of Oz".

Yes... Seriously... That would be classified as a highlight on the Wide World of Funny Shit.

That concludes this edition of "The New Review"

Hopefully, there will be many more of these to come... Once again...

Seriously, see this movie...

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