Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Taboo Topic

Okay... the topic I'm about to cover is going to be touchy, and personally, I don't care who likes it. I try my hardest not to talk about two topics... politics and religion.
Well this one isn't about politics...
Let's start with this.
I am an agnostic. What is an agnostic? Well, there are a few different versions. With out going into details on all of them, the basic idea is that being agnostic means you aren't sure about something associated with religion.

Yin Yang Year

I know 2014 isn't quite over, but it is coming to an end soon... so I thought I would touch on the three things that define my 2014, one good, one bad, one a bit of both.
Let's start with bad...

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

FTW - The Economic Juggernaut

Well well well. It seems that it is time for for a new FTW... and this one has been brewing for quite some time...
So let's get down to it...
I say "Fuck Walmart".