Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The New Review - Transformers: Dark of the Moon - Theater

Wow I'm behind... let's get to it...

The New Review
"Transformers: Dark of the Moon"
Directed by Michael Bay
Starring Shia LeBeouf, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
Voices of Peter Cullen, Hugo Weaving, and Leonard Nimoy

Background Check: The third in the Michael Bay movie series based on the EXTREMELY popular classic cartoon and Hasbro toys...... the first movie was loud and obnoxious... the second was more loud and obnoxious with some bad CGI...... did the third follow the trend?.........

Concept: Without revealing too much of the plot, this film is the culmination of the first two... with the focus being on the war between the Autobots and Decepticons...... how is it going to end?...


Cast: Of course the cast is relatively unchanged through three movies, of course the exception of the missing Megan Fox... but Rosie Huntington-Whiteley fills out, I mean fills in very nicely, and does wonders making up for Shia LeBoeuf's presence taking away from the purpose of the movie... as for the voice cast, also mainly unchanged, but the addition of Leonard Nimoy(Spock of Star Trek fame) as the voice of Sentinel Prime was a very nice inviting touch, considering Nimoy voiced Galvatron in the original series...... kudos for that...... human cast mostly blandly repeated(except for Rosie)... voice cast was worth it in the first two, made better in this one...... 8/10

Characters: again, not revealing the plot too much, some reviews have said this one didn't have a clear villain... look again, you have TWO...... if you disagree, watch both of the first two movies...... as for character development, the reoccurring characters didn't need it if you weren't going in blind... and for any IMPORTANT newbies, it did a half way decent job...... considering the blandness of Shia and some of the others in this series, didn't do enough...... 7.5/10

Story: Now this was one of my high points... I understood why Sam's story was important in the first two, but I felt that they spent too much time focusing on him and not the Transformers and their war... so much that they should've been titled "Sam Witwicky and these stupid robots"...... but this one actually focused on the War... and did it well... I liked this one's story... 9.5/10

Visual: this one is simple... though I noticed some more BAD CGI, it IS a Michael Bay film, expect awesome looking visuals... and I personally LOVED the collapsing skyscraper scene... 9.5/10

Sound: again, on par with the visual, cause it's Michael Bay... 10/10

Humor: that is a double edged sword... the first two had some comic relief in Sam Witwicky... and in Wheelie in the second film... SO it was expected...... and it helped... and they did a good job of keeping where it belonged in flow of the movie......... so...... 9/10

Action: It's GIANT ROBOTS FIGHTING OTHER GIANT ROBOTS... while I thought there should've been MORE...... when it actually started, there was plenty to go around...... 9/10

Flow: go re-read the humor part...... okay, now that you have, let me tell you that the flow of this movie did suck major ass... it sucked GENERAL ass... with that being said, it only sucked up until the major battle(and that's a big part)... but up until then, the flow kept getting broken since the Autobots story and Sam's story didn't actually cross just right like it did in the other two... and for the first half or so of the movie it's like Michael Bay had ADHD... until the big robots needed to finally fight their war on Earth...... easily 4/10

Closure: while I didn't actually like the way this movie just cut off in the way it did, providing you have seen the first two movies, this last of the Michael Bay Transformers movies was a fitting end to the series, and not in a glad it's over way, it just felt like it's the way the story should've gone... 9/10

Extra Oomph: I have one point about this movie why I think it was the perfect ending to the series...... they tied it is to an actual historical event... and the way they did it made sense and felt seamless...... and that one story telling act ties all three movies together... makes them fit together...... and it has to do with the title of the movie, so if you haven't figured it out yet, it has something to do with the Dark Side of the Moon... no, not the Pink Floyd song...... it was such a good tie-in, it made it worth watching this one to see that... 10/10

FINAL SCORE: 85.5/100            Own it only if you own the first two

aside from the terrible, horrible, scary flow of the movie during the first half...... this was a very fitting end to a top tier visual telling of a psuedo-classic cartoon tale...... one that I happily declare that I own the entire series of the original...... as a fan, I liked and respected the series... as a MOVIE fan, the entire series had points of leaving bad tastes in my mouth...
It's all a matter of opinion: I cannot stress enough that THIS is my opinion, you can either agree with me or not... I don't have to justify my opinion, because *clear throat* that's what this blog is about. Whether I like it or not doesn't mean you have to or not...... it's just my justification for giving you all MY recommendation...... which leads me to my FINAL JUDGMENT

FINAL JUDGMENT: if you are a Transformers fan, then watch it... buy it when it comes out, it's worth it...... if you weren't a Transformers fan or where indifferent about the series, then rent it, but that's it...
Well, there it is folks... an 85.5 for "Transformers: Dark of the Moon"... not as good as it should've been, but not exactly a clunker......

See what I did there?

Hold on for a review of "Captain America: First Avenger"...

When it's over, come back and thank me...

~The Master is Out

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